Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rant: Time Eater

One thing that has been coming up more and more recently in my life is how time, or our lack thereof, can really change how we view someone, and what we do if we're in that situation as well.

If you make plans to have lunch with a friend, and they come 20 minutes late, while you may have left (after feeling mad), or stayed, the most you can hope for is that your friend had a legitimate reason for being late, and wasn't just being a flake. If you do walk away, it's far easier to just forget the whole ordeal than worry about your friend, or your life sans that friend if it really was the breaking point.

Whether or not you walked away, it seems what truly matters is if you try to make contact with your friend, find out if s/he's on their way, and if s/he's alright. If you find out s/he's still at home, or forgot, that'll make a pretty negative impression on you about said friend (unless you expected it and stayed home/made other plans, in which case that would be a dick-move). But if, say, you called and found out s/he was stuck in traffic, and even left early; you'd probably feel bad for thinking poorly of your friend for being a third of an hour late to your appointment. And that's understandable. S/he wasted your time, and even if you're the most useless, boring person on Earth with free-time all the time, it was still wasted and you'd probably still be at least a little peeved.

Well think about it like this: There are 6 billion people on Earth. If you're reading this, then this Wikipedia article estimates (at the bottom of the spreadsheet) that there are ~9,015,000 English speakers on Earth. That's larger than an standing army on Earth, with the largest being China between 2-1.6 million. With that in perspective, I would hope that one would be able to just let it go, because we only have so many years in our lives, and it's what we do that counts. Not even our intentions (even if they sometimes get published, and give people a whole new perspective on why someone did horrible crimes against humanity, like Hitler's new book, 6 Million: I Did It For The Lulz), can fully redeem us, and I will note that I do believe intent is far more important than most people give it credit for.

Hopefully this rant was helpful in some way.


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